

The "WLOG" method of proof (explained here) can apparently be formally applied in many of situations. Here we discuss but one of them.


The following theorem can be used as a shortcut in proofs about pairs of real numbers. Suppose you want to prove that, for all real numbers x and y, property P(x,y) is true. You can begin your formal proof by assuming WITHOUT LOSS OF GENERALITY (WLOG) that x <= y. We can apply this method of proof if property P is symmetric (i.e. P(a,b) => P(b,a)) saving possibly many lines of proof.








     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a in r & b in r => [P(a,b) <=> P(b,a)]] <--- Property P is symmetric on the real numbers

     & ALL(a):ALL(b):[a in r & b in r => [a<=b => P(a,b)]] <--- P(a,b) holds for a<=b


     => ALL(a):ALL(b):[a in r & b in r => P(a,b)] <--- P(a,b) holds for all real numbers and b



By Dan Christensen








Required property of <= on the reals


Two cases: a<=b  OR  b<=a


1     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => a<=b | b<=a]




    Prove: ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [P(a,b) <=> P(b,a)]]

           & ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [a<=b => P(a,b)]]

           => ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => P(a,b)]




      2     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [P(a,b) <=> P(b,a)]]

         & ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [a<=b => P(a,b)]]



    Symmetry of P


      3     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [P(a,b) <=> P(b,a)]]

            Split, 2


    Initial assumption "without loss of generality"


      4     ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [a<=b => P(a,b)]]

            Split, 2


         Prove: ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => P(a,b)]




            5     x e r & y e r



            6     x e r

                  Split, 5


            7     y e r

                  Split, 5


         Apply property of <= on reals


            8     ALL(b):[x e r & b e r => x<=b | b<=x]

                  U Spec, 1


            9     x e r & y e r => x<=y | y<=x

                  U Spec, 8


         Two cases to consider:


            10   x<=y | y<=x

                  Detach, 9, 5


             Case 1


             Prove: x<=y => P(x,y)




                  11   x<=y



             Apply initial assumption WLOG


                  12   ALL(b):[x e r & b e r => [x<=b => P(x,b)]]

                        U Spec, 4


                  13   x e r & y e r => [x<=y => P(x,y)]

                        U Spec, 12


                  14   x<=y => P(x,y)

                        Detach, 13, 5


                  15   P(x,y)

                        Detach, 14, 11


         Case 1


         As Required:


            16   x<=y => P(x,y)

                  4 Conclusion, 11


             Case 2


             Prove: y<=x => P(x,y)




                  17   y<=x



             Apply initial assumption WLOG


                  18   ALL(b):[y e r & b e r => [y<=b => P(y,b)]]

                        U Spec, 4


                  19   y e r & x e r => [y<=x => P(y,x)]

                        U Spec, 18


                  20   y e r & x e r

                        Join, 7, 6


                  21   y<=x => P(y,x)

                        Detach, 19, 20


                  22   P(y,x)

                        Detach, 21, 17


             Apply symmetry of P


                  23   ALL(b):[y e r & b e r => [P(y,b) <=> P(b,y)]]

                        U Spec, 3


                  24   y e r & x e r => [P(y,x) <=> P(x,y)]

                        U Spec, 23


                  25   P(y,x) <=> P(x,y)

                        Detach, 24, 20


                  26   [P(y,x) => P(x,y)] & [P(x,y) => P(y,x)]

                        Iff-And, 25


                  27   P(y,x) => P(x,y)

                        Split, 26


                  28   P(x,y)

                        Detach, 27, 22


         Case 2


         As Required:


            29   y<=x => P(x,y)

                  4 Conclusion, 17


         Joining results for Cases Rule


            30   [x<=y => P(x,y)] & [y<=x => P(x,y)]

                  Join, 16, 29


         Apply Cases Rule


            31   P(x,y)

                  Cases, 10, 30


    As Required:


      32   ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => P(a,b)]

            4 Conclusion, 5


As Required:


33   ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [P(a,b) <=> P(b,a)]]

    & ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => [a<=b => P(a,b)]]

    => ALL(a):ALL(b):[a e r & b e r => P(a,b)]

      4 Conclusion, 2


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