

Consider the set of all drinkers in that world, and the set of all people in a given pub. Then there exists a person who, if her or she is drinking, then everyone in that pub is  drinking. More formally:


     EXIST(x):[x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]]


     (This proof was written with the aid of the author's DC Proof 2.0 software available

     at )






From The Paradox of the Universal Set, we have the fact that every set excludes something:


1     ALL(s):[Set(s) => EXIST(a):~a e s]







Let drinkers be the set of all people in the world who are drinkers.


2     Set(drinkers)



Let pub be the set of all people in a given pub


3     Set(pub)







Applying the previous result that every set excludes something to drinkers...


4     Set(drinkers) => EXIST(a):~a e drinkers

      U Spec, 1


5     EXIST(a):~a e drinkers

      Detach, 4, 2


Define: x  (a non-drinker)


6     ~x e drinkers

      E Spec, 5


Apply Arbitrary-OR Rule


7     ~x e drinkers | ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]

      Arb Or, 6


8     ~~x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]

      Imply-Or, 7


9     x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]

      Rem DNeg, 8


As Required:


10    EXIST(x):[x e drinkers => ALL(a):[a e pub => a e drinkers]]

      E Gen, 9