

Suppose ps be the power set of s.

Then there exists no injective f: ps --> s.


(This proof was written with the aid of author's DC Proof 2.0 software available at http://www.dcproof.com )





Suppose to the contrary that there exists injective f: ps --> s.

By Lemma 4, there would then exist surjective g: s --> ps.

This contradicts Lemma 3 (Cantor's Theorem).






Define: Injection


1     ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[Injection(f,a,b) <=> ALL(c):ALL(d):[c e a & d e a => [f(c)=f(d) => c=d]]]




Define: Surjection


2     ALL(f):ALL(a):ALL(b):[Surjection(f,a,b) <=> ALL(c):[c e b => EXIST(d):[d e a & f(d)=c]]]




PREVIOUS RESULTS (with links to proofs)



Lemma 4:  Proof


Suppose we have an injective (one-to-one) function mapping of non-empty set x to set y.

Then there exists a surjective (onto) function mapping y to x.


3     ALL(a):ALL(b):ALL(f1):[Set(a)

     & Set(b)

     & EXIST(c):c e a

     & ALL(c):[c e a => f1(c) e b]

     & Injection(f1,a,b)

     => EXIST(f2):[ALL(c):[c e b => f2(c) e a] & Surjection(f2,b,a)]]




Lemma 3: (Cantor's Theorem)  Proof


Suppose ps is the power set of s.

Then there exists no surjective (onto) function mapping s to ps.


4     ALL(s):ALL(p):[Set(s)

     & Set(p)

     & ALL(c):[c e p <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[d e c => d e s]]

     => ALL(f):[ALL(a):[a e s => f(a) e p] => ~Surjection(f,s,p)]]







     Suppose ps is the power set of s


      5     Set(s)

          & Set(ps)

          & ALL(c):[c e ps <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[d e c => d e s]]



      6     Set(s)

            Split, 5


      7     Set(ps)

            Split, 5


      8     ALL(c):[c e ps <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[d e c => d e s]]

            Split, 5



          Prove there exists no injective (one-to-one) function f mapping ps to s.


          Suppose to the contrary...


            9     EXIST(f):[ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s] & Injection(f,ps,s)]



            10    ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s] & Injection(f,ps,s)

                  E Spec, 9



          Define: f


            11    ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s]

                  Split, 10


            12    Injection(f,ps,s)

                  Split, 10



          To apply Lemma 2, we must show that ps is non-empty. We will show that the empty set is itself an

          element of ps.


          Construct phi (the empty set).


          Apply the Subset Axiom.


            13    EXIST(sub):[Set(sub) & ALL(a):[a e sub <=> a e s & ~a e s]]

                  Subset, 6


            14    Set(phi) & ALL(a):[a e phi <=> a e s & ~a e s]

                  E Spec, 13



          Define: phi


            15    Set(phi)

                  Split, 14


            16    ALL(a):[a e phi <=> a e s & ~a e s]

                  Split, 14



          Prove: phi e ps  (ps is not empty)


          Apply definition of ps


            17    phi e ps <=> Set(phi) & ALL(d):[d e phi => d e s]

                  U Spec, 8


            18    [phi e ps => Set(phi) & ALL(d):[d e phi => d e s]]

              & [Set(phi) & ALL(d):[d e phi => d e s] => phi e ps]

                  Iff-And, 17


            19    phi e ps => Set(phi) & ALL(d):[d e phi => d e s]

                  Split, 18


          Sufficient: For phi e ps


            20    Set(phi) & ALL(d):[d e phi => d e s] => phi e ps

                  Split, 18



              Prove: ~EXIST(a):a e phi


              Suppose to the contrary...


                  21    x e phi



              Apply defintion of phi


                  22    x e phi <=> x e s & ~x e s

                        U Spec, 16


                  23    [x e phi => x e s & ~x e s]

                   & [x e s & ~x e s => x e phi]

                        Iff-And, 22


                  24    x e phi => x e s & ~x e s

                        Split, 23


                  25    x e s & ~x e s => x e phi

                        Split, 23


                  26    x e s & ~x e s

                        Detach, 24, 21


          As Required:


            27    ~EXIST(a):a e phi

                  4 Conclusion, 21


          Changing quantfier...


            28    ~~ALL(a):~a e phi

                  Quant, 27




            29    ALL(a):~a e phi

                  Rem DNeg, 28



              Prove phi is a subset of s




                  30    x e phi



                  31    ~x e phi

                        U Spec, 29


                  32    ~~x e phi => x e s

                        Arb Cons, 31


                  33    x e phi => x e s

                        Rem DNeg, 32


                  34    x e s

                        Detach, 33, 30


          As Required:


            35    ALL(d):[d e phi => d e s]

                  4 Conclusion, 30


            36    Set(phi) & ALL(d):[d e phi => d e s]

                  Join, 15, 35


            37    phi e ps

                  Detach, 20, 36


          As Required:


          ps is non-empty


            38    EXIST(a):a e ps

                  E Gen, 37



          Prove g must be a surjection mapping s to ps


          Apply Lemma 2


            39    ALL(b):ALL(f1):[Set(ps)

              & Set(b)

              & EXIST(c):c e ps

              & ALL(c):[c e ps => f1(c) e b]

              & Injection(f1,ps,b)

              => EXIST(f2):[ALL(c):[c e b => f2(c) e ps] & Surjection(f2,b,ps)]]

                  U Spec, 3


            40    ALL(f1):[Set(ps)

              & Set(s)

              & EXIST(c):c e ps

              & ALL(c):[c e ps => f1(c) e s]

              & Injection(f1,ps,s)

              => EXIST(f2):[ALL(c):[c e s => f2(c) e ps] & Surjection(f2,s,ps)]]

                  U Spec, 39


            41    Set(ps)

              & Set(s)

              & EXIST(c):c e ps

              & ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s]

              & Injection(f,ps,s)

              => EXIST(f2):[ALL(c):[c e s => f2(c) e ps] & Surjection(f2,s,ps)]

                  U Spec, 40


            42    Set(ps) & Set(s)

                  Join, 7, 6


            43    Set(ps) & Set(s) & EXIST(a):a e ps

                  Join, 42, 38


            44    Set(ps) & Set(s) & EXIST(a):a e ps

              & ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s]

                  Join, 43, 11


            45    Set(ps) & Set(s) & EXIST(a):a e ps

              & ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s]

              & Injection(f,ps,s)

                  Join, 44, 12


            46    EXIST(f2):[ALL(c):[c e s => f2(c) e ps] & Surjection(f2,s,ps)]

                  Detach, 41, 45


            47    ALL(c):[c e s => g(c) e ps] & Surjection(g,s,ps)

                  E Spec, 46


            48    ALL(c):[c e s => g(c) e ps]

                  Split, 47


          As Required:


          g is a surjection mapping s to ps


            49    Surjection(g,s,ps)

                  Split, 47



          Prove: ~Surjection(g,s,ps) to obtain a contradiction


          Apply Lemma 3


            50    ALL(p):[Set(s)

              & Set(p)

              & ALL(c):[c e p <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[d e c => d e s]]

              => ALL(f):[ALL(a):[a e s => f(a) e p] => ~Surjection(f,s,p)]]

                  U Spec, 4


            51    Set(s)

               & Set(ps)

              & ALL(c):[c e ps <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[d e c => d e s]]

              => ALL(f):[ALL(a):[a e s => f(a) e ps] => ~Surjection(f,s,ps)]

                  U Spec, 50


            52    ALL(f):[ALL(a):[a e s => f(a) e ps] => ~Surjection(f,s,ps)]

                  Detach, 51, 5


            53    ALL(a):[a e s => g(a) e ps] => ~Surjection(g,s,ps)

                  U Spec, 52


          As Required:


            54    ~Surjection(g,s,ps)

                  Detach, 53, 48


          Obtain contradiction...


            55    Surjection(g,s,ps) & ~Surjection(g,s,ps)

                  Join, 49, 54


     As Required:


      56    ~EXIST(f):[ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s] & Injection(f,ps,s)]

            4 Conclusion, 9


As Required:


57    ALL(s):ALL(ps):[Set(s)

     & Set(ps)

     & ALL(c):[c e ps <=> Set(c) & ALL(d):[d e c => d e s]]

     => ~EXIST(f):[ALL(c):[c e ps => f(c) e s] & Injection(f,ps,s)]]

      4 Conclusion, 5